0190-32004W AMAT High Temperature Probe Product Overview:
Acoustic Methods for Film Thickness
Rudolph MetaPULSe
n Licensed technology from Brown U.
n Applications include
– PVD Co, TiN, TaN, Ta, Ti, Al, + more
n Can measure other parameters such as adhesion,
roughness, density, in special cases.
Analogy of throwing pebble in a still lake
1) A probe beam is incident on the surface.
2) At the same spot, two laser pulses interfere, creating regions of light and dark, or regions of
thermal expansion. The probe beam is diffracted.
3) In the diffraction, the probe beam comes in and out of the detector as the “grating,” or acoustic
wave, travels.
4) Output of detector. Fourier Transform, acoustic wave, is correlated to the thickness.