100% human remy hair Lace top men toupee PU around High quality

  • Hair StyleLeft parting
  • Hair StyleFree style
  • Hair DensityOther
  • Hair DensityMedium Heavy 140%
  • Hair DensityMedium 120%
  • Hair DensityMedium Light 100%(most popular)
  • Hair DensityLight 80%
  • Hair DensityExtra light 65%
  • Grey Hairsee my hair color sample
  • Grey Hairother
  • Grey Hair80%
  • Grey Hair70%
  • Grey Hair60%
  • Grey Hair50%
  • Grey Hair40%
  • Grey Hair30%
  • Grey Hair25%
  • Grey Hair20%
  • Grey Hair10%
  • Grey Hair5%
  • Grey HairNo grey
  • Base ColorDark Brown
  • Base ColorMedium Brown
  • Base ColorLight Brown
  • Base ColorFlesh
  • Base ColorTransparent
  • Size: Front - Backother
  • Size: Front - Back10 inches
  • Size: Front - Back9.5 inches
  • Size: Front - Back9 inches
  • Size: Front - Back8.5 inches
  • Size: Front - Back8 inches
  • Size: Front - Back7.5 inches
  • Size: Front - Back7 inches
  • Size: Front - Back6.5 inches
  • Size: Front - Back6 inches
  • Size: Front - Back5.5 inches
  • Size: Front - Back5 inches
  • Size: Front - Back4.5 inches
  • Size: Front - Back4 inches
  • Size: Left - Rightother
  • Size: Left - Right8 inches
  • Size: Left - Right7.5 inches
  • Size: Left - Right7 inches
  • Size: Left - Right6.5 inches
  • Size: Left - Right6 inches
  • Size: Left - Right5.5 inches
  • Size: Left - Right5 inches
  • Size: Left - Right4.5 inches
  • Size: Left - Right4 inches
  • Hair ColorSee my hair sample
  • Hair Colorother(leave a message)
  • Hair Color#8 Brown
  • Hair Color#7 Lightest Brown
  • Hair Color#6 Light Brown
  • Hair Color#5 Medium Light Brown
  • Hair Color#4 Medium Brown
  • Hair Color#3 Dark Brown
  • Hair Color#2 Darkest Brown
  • Hair Color#1B Off Black
  • Hair Color#1 Black
  • Hair Lengthother
  • Hair Length22inch
  • Hair Length20inch
  • Hair Length18inch
  • Hair Length16inch
  • Hair Length14inch
  • Hair Length12inch
  • Hair Length10inch
  • Hair Length8inch
  • Hair Length6inch
  • Hair Length4inch
  • Hair StyleRight parting
  • Hair Stylecenter parting
  • Hair StyleLeft crown
  • Hair StyleRight crown
  • Hair StyleCenter crown
  • Hair StyleForward Pompadour
  • Hair StyleBackward Pompadour
  • Hair textureStraight
  • Hair textureSlight Wave
  • Hair textureBody Wave
  • Hair textureMedium Wave
  • Hair textureCurl
  • Hair textureOther
  • Bleach knotsNO bleached knot
  • Bleach knotsBleached knots in front
  • Bleach knotsBleached knots all around
  • Scallop frontNo Scallop
  • Scallop front#1 Scallop
  • Scallop front#2 Scallop
  • Scallop front#3 Scallop
  • Scallop front#4 Scallop
  • Scallop front#5 Scallop
  • Front contourAA
  • Front contourA
  • Front contourCC
  • Front contourC
  • Front contourFree
  • Front contourSee my template


Type Men women toupee hair pieces,human hair toupee system invisible and bleached knots,women silk top hair replacement toupee ,indian remy hair professional toupee hair system,
Fiber 100% Indian Remy Virgin human Hair,Chinese hair,Brazilian hair,European hair and Synthetic hair is available
Base Lace top PU around toupee
Color Color chart or custom
Length 4-30 inches
Weight 160g
Qty 1 Set


Life 6 To 12 Months
Size Custom
Usage thin skin toupee are essential for a truly undetectable hair replacement. They can be used to create a very natural looking.

How to apply lace closure

1.Create cornrows in the person's natural hair. Comb the hair straight back and start creating small braids from the front of the head to the back of the head. The braids should be small and lay flat on the person's head.

2.Leave the top of the head open when sewing in the hair extensions. This is where the hair closure will be sewn in.

3.Place the hair closure on top of their head. It should stretch over the top of the crown on the head.

4.Use a sewing needle and thread to start sewing the closure to the cornrows on top of your head. Sew in and out of the cornrow braids and through the hair lace closure. Slowly make a circle until you get to the center of the closure.

5.Knot the thread off and cut it off. Gently comb through the closure and part it as you desire.



Type     Lace Closure/ Top closure
Fiber     100% Brazilian Virgin Hair
Weight     100gFull Head Set
Color     #1b
Length     8 Inches
Texture     Body Wave

Qty     1 Set



Life     6 To 12 Months
Size     4"X4"

Usage     Lace Closures are essential for a truly undetectable weave. They can be used to create a center parting in the middle of  a weave on.


How to apply lace closure

1.Create cornrows in the person's natural hair. Comb the hair Body Wave back and start creating small braids from the front of the head to the back of the head. The braids should be small and lay flat on the person's head.

2.Leave the top of the head open when sewing in the hair extensions. This is where the hair closure will be sewn in.

3.Place the hair closure on top of their head. It should stretch over the top of the crown on the head.

4.Use a sewing needle and thread to start sewing the closure to the cornrows on top of your head. Sew in and out of the cornrow braids and through the hair lace closure. Slowly make a circle until you get to the center of the closure.

5.Knot the thread off and cut it off. Gently comb through the closure and part it as you desire.

- See more at: http://shang.dyyweb.com/8-Natural-Black-Body-Wave-100-Brazilian-Virgin-Hair-Lace-Closure-Top-Closure_p230.html#sthash.GqSELF4G.dpuf


Type     Lace Closure/ Top closure
Fiber     100% Brazilian Virgin Hair
Weight     100gFull Head Set
Color     #1b
Length     8 Inches
Texture     Body Wave

Qty     1 Set



Life     6 To 12 Months
Size     4"X4"

Usage     Lace Closures are essential for a truly undetectable weave. They can be used to create a center parting in the middle of  a weave on.


How to apply lace closure

1.Create cornrows in the person's natural hair. Comb the hair Body Wave back and start creating small braids from the front of the head to the back of the head. The braids should be small and lay flat on the person's head.

2.Leave the top of the head open when sewing in the hair extensions. This is where the hair closure will be sewn in.

3.Place the hair closure on top of their head. It should stretch over the top of the crown on the head.

4.Use a sewing needle and thread to start sewing the closure to the cornrows on top of your head. Sew in and out of the cornrow braids and through the hair lace closure. Slowly make a circle until you get to the center of the closure.

5.Knot the thread off and cut it off. Gently comb through the closure and part it as you desire.

- See more at: http://shang.dyyweb.com/8-Natural-Black-Body-Wave-100-Brazilian-Virgin-Hair-Lace-Closure-Top-Closure_p230.html#sthash.GqSELF4G.dpuf


Type     Lace Closure/ Top closure
Fiber     100% Brazilian Virgin Hair
Weight     100gFull Head Set
Color     #1b
Length     8 Inches
Texture     Body Wave

Qty     1 Set



Life     6 To 12 Months
Size     4"X4"

Usage     Lace Closures are essential for a truly undetectable weave. They can be used to create a center parting in the middle of  a weave on.


How to apply lace closure

1.Create cornrows in the person's natural hair. Comb the hair Body Wave back and start creating small braids from the front of the head to the back of the head. The braids should be small and lay flat on the person's head.

2.Leave the top of the head open when sewing in the hair extensions. This is where the hair closure will be sewn in.

3.Place the hair closure on top of their head. It should stretch over the top of the crown on the head.

4.Use a sewing needle and thread to start sewing the closure to the cornrows on top of your head. Sew in and out of the cornrow braids and through the hair lace closure. Slowly make a circle until you get to the center of the closure.

5.Knot the thread off and cut it off. Gently comb through the closure and part it as you desire.

- See more at: http://shang.dyyweb.com/8-Natural-Black-Body-Wave-100-Brazilian-Virgin-Hair-Lace-Closure-Top-Closure_p230.html#sthash.GqSELF4G.dpuf


Type     Lace Closure/ Top closure
Fiber     100% Brazilian Virgin Hair
Weight     100gFull Head Set
Color     #1b
Length     8 Inches
Texture     Body Wave

Qty     1 Set



Life     6 To 12 Months
Size     4"X4"

Usage     Lace Closures are essential for a truly undetectable weave. They can be used to create a center parting in the middle of  a weave on.


How to apply lace closure

1.Create cornrows in the person's natural hair. Comb the hair Body Wave back and start creating small braids from the front of the head to the back of the head. The braids should be small and lay flat on the person's head.

2.Leave the top of the head open when sewing in the hair extensions. This is where the hair closure will be sewn in.

3.Place the hair closure on top of their head. It should stretch over the top of the crown on the head.

4.Use a sewing needle and thread to start sewing the closure to the cornrows on top of your head. Sew in and out of the cornrow braids and through the hair lace closure. Slowly make a circle until you get to the center of the closure.

5.Knot the thread off and cut it off. Gently comb through the closure and part it as you desire.

- See more at: http://shang.dyyweb.com/8-Natural-Black-Body-Wave-100-Brazilian-Virgin-Hair-Lace-Closure-Top-Closure_p230.html#sthash.GqSELF4G.dpuf


Type     Lace Closure/ Top closure
Fiber     100% Brazilian Virgin Hair
Weight     100gFull Head Set
Color     #1b
Length     8 Inches
Texture     Body Wave

Qty     1 Set



Life     6 To 12 Months
Size     4"X4"

Usage     Lace Closures are essential for a truly undetectable weave. They can be used to create a center parting in the middle of  a weave on.


How to apply lace closure

1.Create cornrows in the person's natural hair. Comb the hair Body Wave back and start creating small braids from the front of the head to the back of the head. The braids should be small and lay flat on the person's head.

2.Leave the top of the head open when sewing in the hair extensions. This is where the hair closure will be sewn in.

3.Place the hair closure on top of their head. It should stretch over the top of the crown on the head.

4.Use a sewing needle and thread to start sewing the closure to the cornrows on top of your head. Sew in and out of the cornrow braids and through the hair lace closure. Slowly make a circle until you get to the center of the closure.

5.Knot the thread off and cut it off. Gently comb through the closure and part it as you desire.

- See more at: http://shang.dyyweb.com/8-Natural-Black-Body-Wave-100-Brazilian-Virgin-Hair-Lace-Closure-Top-Closure_p230.html#sthash.GqSELF4G.dpuf


Type     Lace Closure/ Top closure
Fiber     100% Brazilian Virgin Hair
Weight     100gFull Head Set
Color     #1b
Length     8 Inches
Texture     Body Wave

Qty     1 Set



Life     6 To 12 Months
Size     4"X4"

Usage     Lace Closures are essential for a truly undetectable weave. They can be used to create a center parting in the middle of  a weave on.


How to apply lace closure

1.Create cornrows in the person's natural hair. Comb the hair Body Wave back and start creating small braids from the front of the head to the back of the head. The braids should be small and lay flat on the person's head.

2.Leave the top of the head open when sewing in the hair extensions. This is where the hair closure will be sewn in.

3.Place the hair closure on top of their head. It should stretch over the top of the crown on the head.

4.Use a sewing needle and thread to start sewing the closure to the cornrows on top of your head. Sew in and out of the cornrow braids and through the hair lace closure. Slowly make a circle until you get to the center of the closure.

5.Knot the thread off and cut it off. Gently comb through the closure and part it as you desire.

- See more at: http://shang.dyyweb.com/8-Natural-Black-Body-Wave-100-Brazilian-Virgin-Hair-Lace-Closure-Top-Closure_p230.html#sthash.GqSELF4G.dpuf

Product Tags custom toupees          custom toupee          toupee for men          men's toupee          men with toupee          mens toupee          custom hair toupee          custom made toupee          mens toupee china         


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