Dimensions :
The 1305-BA03A is capable of implementing basic to advanced motor control. Basic motor control includes START / STOP; FORWARD / REVERSE / JOG; REMOTE / MANUAL operation. For advanced motor control, this drive is capable of Standard Boost V/Hz, Standard Volts/Hz and Custom Volts/Hz control methods which are ideal control method for speed control. For motor protective start-up and shutdown, related parameters are Accel/Decel Time, Ramp to Stop and S-Curve Acceleration.
The 1305-BA03A operates in a voltage range of 340 to 500 Volts, with an apparent input power of 1.7 kilovolts AC. The power dissipation is 34 Watts, and the working efficiency is 97.5%.The 1305-BA03A has a storage temperature range between 40 degrees Celsius to 70 degrees Celsius, with a relative humidity of 0 to 95% (non-condensing).
+86 18030132585
+86 18030132585