Dimensions :
The 1336-QOUT-SP13A transistor can operate on three-phase supply systems. Such systems have line voltages that are symmetrical. It has also been protected from lightning induced overvoltages between the line and ground because of the surge suppression devices that it has. The transistor also requires suitable isolation, especially where the supply ground is tied to another piece of equipment or system and where there is the potential for abnormally high-to-ground voltages.
The 1336-QOUT-SP13A belongs to a series of Output Transistor Devices. It is easy to assemble and easy to install in several different frame models. It is also possible for this transistor to upgrade older transistor models or to replace broken transistors. It is important for the user to note that this part contains assemblies and ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) sensitive parts.
+86 18030132585
+86 18030132585