Mfr. Part Number:
/ Automation
1756-IT6I2 ControlLogix Enhanced Isolated Thermocouple/Mv Input 6P
Full Description:
1756-IT6I2 ControlLogix Enhanced Isolated Temperature-measuring Thermocouple/Mv Analog Input Module, 6 Individually Isolated Thermocouple (20 Pin), 2 Cold-Junction Sensors CJS; Input range: -12-78mV, -12-30mV, 1.4 uv/bit; Resolution: 16 bits; Linearizes millivolts inputs into a temperature value (Celsius or Fahrenheit)
Discontinued by manufacturer
Description: The 1756-IT6I2 is a ControlLogix analog input module. This is an enhanced Thermocouple input module that has Six (6) individually isolated Thermocouple and millivolt input channels. Compatible Thermocouple types are B, E, J, K, R, S, T, N, C, D, L (TXK/XK) with 16-bit resolution. It comes with a pair of CJC sensors
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