Product Details
Manufacturer Automation
Max Total I/O 2048 (any mix); 2048Input / 2048 output (complimentary)
Module Type Processor
Part Number/Catalog No. 1785-L40C15
Control Coprocessor Expansion Port Yes
Communication Ports Data Highway Plus (DH+); Remote I/O (RIO); Serial; DH using 1785-KA; Two (2) ControlNet
Controller Memory up to 48 Kwords
Hardware Addressing 2-slot; 1-slot; 1/2-slot
Program Scan time 0.5 ms per K word (bit logic) 2 ms per K word (typical)
Module Location 1771-A1B, -A2B, A3B, -A3B1, -A4B chassis; left-most slot
I/O system Bulletin 1771 I/O, 1794 I/O, 1746 I/O, and 1791 I/O including 8-, 16-, 32-pt, and intelligent modules
Battery 1770-XYC
Speak to a sales manager for best pricing & lead time:
Sales manager : Tiffany Guan Mobile / WhatsApp : + 86 18030235313
Email: Skype : dddemi33