Manufacturer Automation
Part Number/Catalog No. 1785-V80B
Module Type VME Processor
Max Total I/O 2944
Analog I/O 2944
DH+/Remote I/O Channels Yes (4)
RS-232-C Channel Yes
Number of Words 100 Kilowords SRAM
Backplane Requirement 2.5 Amperes at 5 Volts DC
Max Analog I/O 3072
Max I/O Chassis Total 93
Max I/O Chassis Extended Local 0
Max I/O Chassis Universal Remote 32 Max. Per I/O Link
RS-232-C/422-A/423- A Ports 1
Control Coprocessor Expansion Port Yes

Speak to a sales manager for best pricing & lead time:
Sales manager : Tiffany Guan
Mobile / WhatsApp : + 86 18030235313
Email: sales2@mooreplc.com
Skype : dddemi33