◆ 200 Watt Mono Solar Panels: Works With a 24 Volt Battery or 12 Volt Solar Power System.
◆ A grade solar cells. This solar panel has the junction box with diode on the backside to make it easy to connect to your charge controller or other device. Our panels are made to the higher degree of quality and craftsmanship. They are all made using true "A" grade solar cells made in Germany by one of the worlds largest solar cell manufactures. This ensures the panel will be putting out the highest power possible at all light angles. We also use 3.2mm high transmission tempered glass and encapsulated in EVA to make sure there is no damage to the cells from the environment. The cells are not chipped up like the other off grid solar panels on the market.
◆ We are so confident in our panels that each one has a 25 Year warranty and carries the WHC Solar Brand so you can be assured it will produce power for ever.
--- Author: Fanny Sin