Dimensions :
The 2094-BM05 is easy to use, designed to accommodate simple wiring, and it has a compact size. The Kinetix 6000 drive systems are designed to be used in industries dealing with, among other things, assembly, packaging, and material handling. The 2094-BM05 has a current rating of 49 Amps and it belongs to the 400 Volts voltage class.
The 2094-BM05 is a multi-axis module manufactured by .The module belongs to the Kinetix 6000 multi-axis servo drive family. The module is also in the Bulletin 2094 in the Kinetix servo drives.The 2094-BM05, like other modules intended for use with servo drives in the Kinetix 6000 series, provides a cost-effective way to handle even the most demanding applications easily and quickly.
+86 18030132585
+86 18030132585