Dimensions :
The 2094-BMP5-S is powered by an input supply voltage range of 324-528V rms, 3-phase. Its nominal voltage level are 360 / 480V and it belongs to the 400 V voltage category. It provides a continuous output current (rms) of 2.8 A, Continuous current (sine) 0-pk of 4.0 A, Peak current (rms) of 4.2 A for Series A 2094-BMP5-S drive and 7.0 A for Series B and C drives.
The 2094-BMP5-S has 1.8 kW of continuous power output, 2.8 Amps of continuous current (RMS), and 460 Volts AC of power. It also provides a high peak current, which can reduce panel space and power supply. These features make the 2094-BMP5-S ideal for high-speed and demanding motion applications because it is capable of constant velocity at an electrical output frequency.
+86 18030132585
+86 18030132585