Dimensions :
The 2097-V33PR3-LM has a short circuit rating of 100,000A (symmetrical) and offers BUS over-voltage protection at 430V DC.The drive’s circuitry is protected with a 240V AC, 20A, fast-acting Class T and Class CC Bussman fuse, and protected against short circuits with the 140M-F8E-C20 circuit breaker and the 240V AC DC/AC coil contactor, and it is also used with a recommended 120V AC to 240V AC output transformer with input ratings of 460V AC and 750VA.
The 2097-V33PR3-LM has a control current of 2A and a control voltage range of 20-26V DC. It supplies 2A output current which peaks at 6A and a 400W output power at 240V AC. It supports an integrated AC line filter (2090-XXLF-TC116), and requires a 40-Ohms passive shunt resistor, with 3.8KW power, 9.8A peak current ratings, and a shunt ON/OFF voltage of 390V DC and 375V DC.
+86 18030132585
+86 18030132585