3 Inch Super Powerful MC Transitional Polishing Pucks Concrete Terrazzo Floor Grinding Tools
- New diamond formula with special MC bond floor polishing pad
- Floor polishing pucks are great tools for removing
scratches after the metal grinding before transitioning to resin polishing pads
- 10mm diamond thickness with Velcro backing
- Super MC bond concrete polishing pads have aggressive
grinding on the concrete surface
- Redbud shape style design gets a perfect floor
surface grinding result
- Diameter 3 inch suitable for mostly floor grinders
in the market
- Grits #30, 50, 100, 200, 400 are available
for hybrid transitional polishing pad
- High heat resistance and anti-water soluble materials
for best performance
- Suitable for polishing all kinds of flat
concrete floor and terrazzo floor
- Wet/Dry use recommended
Heavyweight floor
grinding machines with velcro attachment, Walk-behind grinder, Redilock
grinder, Floor grinding machine, Quick release grinder, Fast change floor
grinder, Redi lock grinding machine, HTC grinder, Husqvarna Grinder, Scanmaskin
Grinder, Terrco Floor Grinder