3 Parts of concrete core drill bit
This 3 parts of concrete core drill bit is designed for deep drilling in demanding job site conditions. The whole concrete diamond core drill bit contain COUPLING, TUBING and CROWN, the coupling length is 4 inch, middle tubings are available in 12”, 24”, 36”, and 48″ lengths, the length of middle core barrel 12"(300mm) is the most popular. If people need longer core barrel, you can use more pieces of middle tubes.
We make Roof(M) shape diamond bit segment for the replaceable core drill bit, the core bit segment fit on a high-speed drilling machine. It provides the best drilling performance and can drill through the toughest reinforced concrete or concrete wall with water.
This Roof M shape drilling core bit replaceable barrel is designed for quick and easy extended depth drilling applications. Quickly attaches to an existing concrete core drill bit to add an additional 12 inches of drill tube.