Mfr. Part Number:
Bently nevada 330103-00-04-05-01-00 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Transducer
Full Description:
Bently nevada 330103-00-04-05-01-00 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Transducer The 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor incorporatesnumerous improvements over previousdesigns. Its physical packaging allows you touse it in high-density DIN-rail installations. Youcan also mount the sensor in a traditionalpanel mount configuration, where it shares anidentical 4-hole mounting “footprint” with olderProximitor Sensor designs. The mounting basefor either option provides electrical isolationand eliminates the need for separate isolatorplates. The 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor is highlyimmune to radio frequency interference,allowing you to install it in fiberglass housingswithout adverse effects from nearby radiofrequency signals. The 3300 XL ProximitorSensor’s improved RFI/EMI immunity satisfiesEuropean CE mark approvals without requiringspecial shielded conduit or metallic housings,resulting in lower installation costs andcomplexity
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