Special Offers
51304485-150 | Honeywell | MC-PDIX02 Digital Input
MC-PD1X02 51304485-150 Conformally coated assemblies are completely covered with a thin layer of a special plastic material
TC-PRR021 | Honeywell | C200 system controller module
TC-PRR021 Petrochemical and other fields
Honeywell MU-FOED02 PN:51197564-200
51197564-200 UCN Fiber Extender 2KM AC Description
10100/2/1 | Honeywell | MODULE HORIZONTAL BUS DRIVER
10100/2/1 Honeywell FSC series offers Vertical Bus Drivers, Run Stop Key Selectors
10014/H/F | Honeywell | Communication Module
10014/H/F Honeywell Dual Port Module
10012/1/2 | Honeywell | Electromagnetic Compatibility
10012/1/2 The motor cables can be run in the same cable tray as other 460 V or 600 V powerwiring
TC-PPD011 | Honeywell | Battery Extension Module
TC-PPD011 Battery - Extention Battery Module 30VDC 100MA
TC-IXR061 | Honeywell | Motor Controller
TC-IXR061 Honeywell Rtd Input Module 6 Pt, Ciom-A from DistributorSanta Clara Systems
51303932-476 MC-TSIM12 | Honeywell | Module
51303932-476 MC-TSIM12 Serial Interface FTA Modbus Rev P PCB
8C-PDODA1 51454472-175 | Honeywell | Controller and I/O Module
8C-PDODA1 51454472-175 Experion LX Series 8 Controller & I/O
8C-PAIMA1 51454473-175 | Honeywell | PLC DCS Industry Control
8C-PAIMA1 51454473-175 Series 8 Controller and I/O Specification
CC-PDIL01 51405040-175 | Honeywell | Digital Input 24V
CC-PDIL01 51405040-175 Professional to provide a Honeywell DCS card, integrity services, absolute guarantee is part of the original Honeywell new card
FF-SRS59252 FF-SG is a self-contained light curtain that does not require a separate control unit for operation
FSC 10024/H/F | Honeywell | Module Card
FSC 10024/H/F Module New in Stock Honeywell DCS
MC-TAIH04 51305900-175 | Honeywell | Analog Input
MC-TAIH04 51305900-175
51304453-150 | Honeywell | MC-TAIH02 Pulse Input
Honeywell 51304453-150 FTA, HLAI/STI, Comp Term, CC MC-TAIH02
MC-TDOY22 51204162-175 | Honeywell | 24vdc Digital Output
MC-TDOY22 51204162-175 Digital Output Field Termination Assembly
MC-TAMR03 51309218-175 | Honeywell | I/O Specification
MC-TAMR03 51309218-175 High Performance Process Manager
MC-TDIY22 51204160-175 | Honeywell | DCS Card
MC-TDIY22 51204160-175 Digital Input FTA 24Vdc - MU-TDIY22
MC-TAOY25 51305865-275 | Honeywell | PLC MODULE
MC-TAOY25 51305865-275 Analog 16-point HART output processor