Buy best RAD140 CAS:1182367-47-0 from ANDSONBIOLOGICALTECH.CO.,LTD
CAS :1182367-47-0
Molar mass:393.83g/mol g·mol−1
Assay : ≥98.0% (HPLC)
Form : powder
Color : white to beige
Rad 140 is a therapeutic compound that just like other SARM is designed to mimic anabolic agents like steroids and hormones. The biggest difference between testolone and other anabolic agents is that it has fewer androgenic effects.
This simply means that RAD140 offers the whole benefits of steroids minus the annoying reactions and side effects you’d have to deal with if you indeed used steroids or hormones as part of your bodybuilding regimen. RAD140 is an orally bioavailable and potent SARM and the capsules can work magic in your
RAD140 works in the same way as other SARMs. In order to understand how RAD140 works, it is important to understand cell physiology first. The body contains hormones that are designed to keep the body balanced. The androgen hormones are the ones responsible for masculinity in men. They allow you to have the hoarse voice, facial hair, and muscle mass.
Diagram of the molecular structure for rad140:
Testosterone is the most common androgen found in a man’s body but there are actually others. Androgen production in the body is highly regulated to ensure a perfect balance. However, in order to speed up the workings of androgenic hormones, the idea of using steroids has often been recommended. While steroids will increase androgenic action in the body, there are many side effects. This is where RAD140 comes in.
The SARMs are simply selective. In other words, instead of filling up all cells with androgenic activity like steroids, they will only focus on muscle cells and bone cells. This means that your body won’t have to deal with the side effects that come as a result of drowning your cells with steroids and increased androgenic activities. Most importantly, RAD140 is also less powerful compared to steroids when it comes to its androgenic effects. This ensures that even as you use the liquid supplement, you are not suppressing the production of testosterone in the body. All these benefits make Testolone a great alternative to steroids.
How it is Administered:
You can take RAD140 via capsules or liquid, orally. The exact dosage per day is still not clear since there are still clinical trials ongoing for the SARM. However, so far, the dosage at the moment stands at about 30 milligrams of RAD140 per day. The SARM should be dropped directly into the mouth in its liquid form. Mixing it up with juice or water is not ideal because RAD140 can stick to the walls of the glass and this reduces its effects.
Advantages to using RAD140:
It’s a SARM that offers the benefits of anabolic steroids without the side effects. It’s an ideal choice for bodybuilders and people looking to lose fat without necessarily having to deal with the reactions of steroids.
It increases stamina and endurance in the body. If you are looking to get started with your intense workout routine, this would be a good supplement before any workout.
RAD140 has also been shown to work faster compared to other anabolic steroids. It offers a quick and safe build-up of muscular tissue. This will help you achieve the fitness goals you have faster with very little exertion or effort.
It does not have any addiction risks. There are studies that have shown people who used steroids on a regular basis developed some level of dependency. This is not something you’ll have to worry about when using RAD140. It’s completely safe and 100% non-addictive.