AB | 1336-BDB-SP29A 74101-169-53 | MAIN DRIVE BOARD

Product Discription

The 1336-BDB-SP29A gate drive board is a kit that contains one spare gate drive board which can be used to replace faulty boards on Allen-Bradley 1336 Force, Impact, Plus II, and Plus AC drives. The 1336-BDB-SP29A gate drive board is obsolete and it was replaced with the 1336-BDB-SP29D gate drive board. The 1336-BDB-SP29A gate drive board was specifically designed for 1336 Force, Impact, Plus II, and Plus drives that operate at 460 Volts AC input voltage and it produces 75 Horsepower of output. One kit is required per drive and the kit is compatible with Frame D drives. The 1336 series drives from Allen-Bradley are microprocessor controlled solid-state drives that support adjustable output frequencies.

The drives support multiple input voltage ratings of 200 Volts AC, 400 Volts AC, and 600 Volts AC. The 1336 Impact series produces output power ranging from 0.5 to 800 Horsepower. The 1336 PLUS II series produces output power ranging from 0.5 to 600 Horsepower. The 1336 Force series produces output power ranging from 1 to 650 Horsepower. The 1336 PLUS series produces output power ranging from 0.5 to 600 Horsepower. To prevent damage to sensitive drive components, Allen-Bradley recommends that important precautions be followed during the drive repair and maintenance processes. The precautions relate to preventing ESD. The precautions include the use of a grounded wrist strap. To prevent electric shock and injury, the ground wire of the strap must provide a path to the ground with a minimum of 1 megaohm of resistance. The 1336-BDB-SP29A gate drive board must be kept in a static-shielded container. Furthermore, the faulty board should also be stored in a static-shielded container after it is removed from a drive.

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Product Tags AB 1336-BDB-SP29A 74101-169-53          1336-BDB-SP29A 74101-169-53          1336-BDB-SP29A          Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP29A          74101-169-53          AB 1336-BDB-SP29A 74101-169-53 MAIN DRIVE BOARD         


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