The 1394 9/Series CNC Interface system (1394C-AM75-IH) provides an efficient digital servo system which can be used with both the 9/260 and the 9/290 CNC. It provides power to every electronic device while utilizing a digital interface, making this solution cost-efficient. Servo control for this system is monitored by the 9/Series CNC. A fiber optic I/O ring is featured, and the system is entirely interfaced and programmed using ODS (Off-Line Development System), as well as a CNC operator panel. The most common options with the 9/Series CNC interface systems are Allen-Bradley Remote I/O, Data Highway Plus (9/260 and 9/290 only), and MMS/Ethernet (9/260 and 9/290 only) communications.

The 1394 Analog Servo system (1394C-AM75-IH) provides a digital servo drive system with a conventional ± 10 Volts DC analog interface; it is fitting for use as a velocity or torque control system and can be quickly commissioned with the Allen-Bradley universal Bulletin 1201 HIM (Human Interface Module). It can provide access to auto-tuning and start-up prompting; one of the standard features of the 1394C-AM75-IH is a SCANport interface.

Product Tags AB 1394C-AM75-IH AC Servo Drive          AB 1394C-AM75-IH          1394C-AM75-IH AC Servo Drive          1394C-AM75-IH          PLC 1394C-AM75-IH          1394c am75 ih         


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