The Allen Bradley SLC 500 Digital Input Module 1746-IM8 comes with 8 channels. This module has voltage category of 200/240 Volts AC. It operates in temperatures between -25 and 60 degrees Celsius (-13 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit), and its non-operating temperatures range from -40 to 85 degrees Celsius (-40 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit). The relative humidity of this unit lies between 5% and 95% without condensation. It's operating vibration is approximately 1.0 g at 5 to 2000 Hertz; it has a total heat dissipation of 3.1 Watt, with 0.35 Watts per point and a 30 g operating shock.

The 1746-IM8 has an operating range of 170 to 265 Volts AC at 47 to 63 Hertz. The backplane current at 5 Volts of this module is 50 mA, while the same current at 24 Volts is 0 mA. The 1746-IM8 is supplied as open type equipment, intended for use in industrial environments no more than Pollution 2 (as defined in EN / IEC0664-1) when applied in a Zone 2 environment. The enclosure should be accessible only by means of the appliance. Keep equipment connected at all times until power is cut and the area is secured.

Product Tags AB 1746-IM8 240V AC Input Module          AB 1746-IM8          1746-IM8          1746-IM8 IN STOCK          PLC 1746-IM8          1746-IM8 240V AC Input Module         


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