The PLC 1746-OV32 digital output module is part of the SLC 500 output module series. This module has a current rating of 0.19A at 5V and 0A at 24 voltages. It has a thermal dissipation of 0.078W per point, a minimum dissipation of 2.26W and a total dissipation of 4.8W. The 1746-OV32 is a current sinking DC transistor output module. Its operating voltage category is 24V DC and it has 32 input/output points. The 1746-OV32 has an operating voltage range of 5-50V DC. The surge current is 1A at 30 and 60 degrees Celsius per point for a period of 10 seconds.
The 1746-OV32 has a continuous current per point of 0.5A and 0.25A at 30 and 60 degrees Celsius, respectively. It doesn’t have a continuous current per module. On a maximum resistive load, the 1746-OV32 has a signal off-delay of 1ms and 0.1ms on-delay. The 1746-OV32 has 16 points per common and a 1mA minimum load current. The module is most suited to be used in high-density low current DC outputs. It has a step response of 2.5ms in and 60ms out.The 1746-OV32 weighs 0.59 kg. The outputs of the 1746-OV32 have a transient pulse which occurs due an external DC power supply being fed to the output terminal (common). These transient pulses are bound to occur whether the processor is powered or not. To prevent the harmful effects that this transient pulse can cause, increase the on-state load current by connecting an exterior resistor to the load in parallel with it.