The PLC/PLC Automation 1772-LX processor is a Mini-PLC-2/16 processor that is the main part of the PLC PLC 2 industrial automation PLC system. The PLC 1772-LX has 4000 words of backup EEPROM, 4000 words of general memory, and 3968 words data table expansion. The processor’s set of EAF instructions that are available include the add, subtract, multiply, divide, sqr, BCD to binary, binary to BCD, FIFO load, FIFO unload, log10, sinX, cosX, and 10x instructions. The 1772-LX PLC processor itself has 2 distinctive essential parts, the CPU and internal memory. The CPU or Central Processor Unit is a decision-maker device that uses inputs from I/O modular units and the program written by users in the ladder programming technique. The memory holds all the relevant information in the data table for the CPU to use, stores programs, sets of instructions, subprograms, and functions, and stores messages.