your host device will be linked to the Color CVIM module through one of the following ports:
• Remote I/O (Node Adapter)
• RS–232 Interface(s)
• Pyramid Integrator Backplane
• Local I/O Board
The remote I/O port (RIO) is located on the front of the Color CVIM module
as shown Using the remote I/O port, you can connect the
following types of devices:
• Allen–Bradley Programmable Controllers (PLC–2, –3, and –5).
• Host Computers which have the Allen–Bradley IBM Bus Scanner
(Catalog No. 6008–SI). The 6008–SI bus scanner is compatible with the
A–B 6121/22 Industrial Computer, Industrial Terminal (Catalog Nos.
1784– T50, 1784–T35), or other IBM PC/AT compatible devices.

Product Tags AB 5370-CVIM Vision Processor Module          5370-CVIM Vision Processor Module          AB 5370-CVIM          5370-CVIM Allen-Bradley          5370-CVIM          5370-CVIM MACHINE VISION MODULE PROCESSOR         


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