+86 18159288768
Product Description:
ABB's Electrification Business Area is a global leader in electrical products and solutions, operating in more than 100 countries, with over 200 manufacturing sites.ABB’s established domain know-how, world-class engineering and technology expertise, will position the four businesses well to deliver innovative products and solutions for enhanced customer value.
The Sequence of Events Recorder (SOE) is a formof MODCELL Multiloop Processor which scans upto 29 digital inputs every millisecond for statetransition, with debounce filter capability. Transitions(events) are timestamped and stored in a localqueue, for monitoring and logging the order in whichevents such as motor trips and alarms occur. Theevent queue will hold up to 1024 entries, and can beread via the Status Page of the Application Buildersoftware.