Product Description:
IGCT technology applies two levels of integration: monolithic on the wafer and hybrid for the periphery of the GCT.
In many cases, the anti-parallel diodes can be integrated monolithically . This eliminates the diode stack and associated heavy current connections.
Integration of this kind only becomes impractical at the highest
currents and the GCT and the
diode have to remain separate.
Hybrid integration achieves a
closer blending of GCT, drive
unit and cooler . The synergies of the mechanical construction produce advantages
with respect to reduced size,
greater stability and lower cost.
The hard unambiguous drive
achieves an overall even,
smoother operation. Every segment of the wafer, of which a
3 kA unit has more than 2000,
”knows” when it has to switch
and executes the corresponding
command independently of the
others. Since all the segments respond exactly the same, optimum
parallel operation is achieved
and the switching capacity varies
in proportion to wafer area. It is
therefore relatively simple to develop an appropriately graded
family of GCT devices.
Welcome to contact the sales manager:
Sales manager : John Yang
Mobile / WhatsApp : +86 18150117685
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