64379194 RTAC-01
Dimensions :
The RTAC-01 is Pulse Encoder Interface Module.The RTAC-01 Pulse Encoder Interface module offers an interface for a digital pulse encoder connection. A pulse encoder should be used if accurate speed or position (angle) feedback from the motor shaft is required.The RTAC-01 is compatible with ACS 800 Standard Application Program version ASXR7000 or later.
The RTAC-01 is to be inserted into the position marked SLOT 1 or SLOT 2 on the drive. The module is held in place with plastic retaining clips and two screws. The screws also provide the earthing of the I/O cable shield connected to the module, and interconnect the GND signals of the module and the RMIO board.
+86 18030132585
+86 18030132585