ABB | AO523 1SAP250200R0001 | Analog Output Module

Product Description:

The analog modules AI523 and AO523 can be used as remote expansion modules at the FBP Interface Module DC505-FBP, at the CS31 Bus Module DC551-CS31 or locally at an AC500 CPU. They contain 16 channels each with the following features:
Analog input module AI523:
• 16 configurable analog inputs in two groups (1.0...2.7 and 3.0...4.7)
Analog output module AO523:
• 8 configurable analog outputs in two groups (1.0...2.7 and 3.0...4.7)
The configuration is performed by software.
The modules are supplied with a process voltage of 24 V DC. The analog inputs and outputs are electrically isolated from the rest of the modules' electronics.  

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Sales manager : John Yang

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Product Tags abb ao523 1sap250200r0001          ao523 1sap250200r0001          ao523          1SAP250200R0001          AO523 Pdf          AO523 Analog output module         


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