Product Description:
A HART instrument can be connected on any of the channels of an AI815, AO815,
AI845, AO845, AI880, AI895 or AO895, module. If the instrument is connected at
run-time to an AI895 or AO895, for example when the module is operational, then
the module will not discover the new HART instrument automatically.
The scanning function is implemented to monitor the presence of field
instruments. When the scanning is enabled all instruments of the instruments
list are scanned with HART command 1. A different channel every 5s. If an
instrument does not reply the DISAPPEARED and SEARCHING bits related
to that instrument are set, else the SCAN_ENABLED will be set. For the
instrument that is not replying the module begins to scan that instrument with
HART command 0. If there is a reply to command 0, the module verifies if it
comes from the original instrument:
β If it does, the APPEARED bit is set, the DISAPPEARED and
SEARCHING bits are cleared and the module restarts the normal
scanning activity.
β If it does not, the MISMATCHED bit is set, the DISAPPEARED bit is
cleared and the module keeps on searching the instrument with
command 0.
Welcome to contact the sales manager:
Sales manager : John Yang
Mobile / WhatsApp : +86 18150117685
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