DSTC176 57310001-KT
ABB Bailey Terminator Unit
[Status]: Brand New In Stock
[Year of Production]: 2020-2022 available
[Shipment]: From Xiamen, China to Worldwide
Description: Check that a plug-in termination unit DSTC 176 is located only on the last bus extender slave
board in the chain.The different parts of the bus extension are mainly factory assembled. These include:
• Bus master module which is included in PM511 in controller subrack
• Slave boards DSBC 174 or DSBC 176, located in each I/O subrack (two per I/O subrack in
case of S100 I/O bus extension redundancy, only valid for DSBC 174)
• Ribbon cables connecting subracks within a cabinet.
RFQ--please contact sales manager John Yang
+86 18150117685
+86 18150117685