Product Description:
Server Node The INSOE01 Server Node consists of the INNIS01 Network Interface module, the INSEM01 Sequence of Events Master module, and the INTKM01 Time Keeper Master module. INSEM01 The INSEM01 Sequence of Events Master module communicates with the INNIS01 Network Interface module and the INTKM01 Time Keeper Master module. The INNIS01 module is the front end for all Cnet (control network) communication interfaces and is the intelligent link between a node and Cnet. The INSEM01 module communicates directly with the INNIS01 module. The INSEM01 module is responsible for managing the distributed sequence of events system, which includes managing:
-1,500 points coming from the SOE I/O modules in up to 1,000 Harmony control units (HCU).
-256 complex triggers with 16 operands each.
-3,000 simple triggers.
The INSEM01 module monitors Harmony control units for data on an exception report basis, collects and sorts data it acquires, and provides SOE data to human system interfaces for report presentation after some predefined trigger condition occurs. Digital state transitions are collected at the HCU level by IMSED01 and INSET01 modules, then forwarded to the INSEM01 module. The INSEM01 module records the information and sorts it according to time in an internal database. When a trigger condition occurs, the human system interface is notified and data transfer occurs. INTKM01 The INTKM01 Time Keeper Master module provides time information to the INSEM01 module and to the rest of the distributed SOE system through the time synchronization link. The INTKM01 module connects to an external receiver using IRIG-B time code link. The module transmits absolute time to the rest of the system using the RS-485 time synchronization link. The INTKM01 module cable connects to an NTST01 termination unit. In this case, the termination unit provides the connection point for the external receiver signals and also the time synchronization link.
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Sales manager : John Yang
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