Original new and factory-sealed SNAT617CHC in stock!!!
Modular design is best implemented with a system that provides true object-based
functionality. Benefits can be derived from template- based implementations, but the
lifecycle support cost using templates will be significantly higher than with objectbased systems.
Objects provide a true design, test, and document-once environment, not only at the original design
point, but also when updates and changes are required, significantly reducing validation and testing
throughout the lifecycle of inevitable changes. Object functionality, by design, supports the parentchild
relationships exhibited with using Units, Equipment Modules, and Control Modules design.
This eliminates the need for special design requirements to make drill-down functionality within the
operational environment possible, as is often typical of template- based designs.
Speak to a sales manager for best pricing & lead time:
Sales manager : Tiffany Guan
Mobile / WhatsApp : + 86 18030235313
Email: sales2@mooreplc.com
Skype : dddemi33