ABB TC520 3BSE001449R1 System Status Module
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Full Description:ABB TC520 3BSE001449R1 System Status Collector Catalog Description:TC520 System Status Collector
The TC520 3BSE001449R1 is a TC520 System Status Collector. Advant Controller 450 is a full-function process controller with a flexible hardware configuration providing highest possible availability. AC 450 is equipped with re-dundancy for CPU, communication, power, and I/O. Its wide-ranging control and communication capabilities made it the right choice for high-end, and functionally demanding applications, as part of larger Advant OCS systems.
To achieve the highest possible availability, AC 460 can be equipped with redundancy for communication, power supplies, CPUs and I/O boards. It supports the modular S800 I/O system, including field devices supporting HART data, up to five S100 I/O racks as well as TRIO I/O.
+86 18030132585
+86 18030132585