Special Offers
Allen-Bradley 2711P-RP1 Logic Module has 64 MB Flash Memory, 64 MB RAM Memory, and a DC Input.
1747-L551 | AB | NEW & ORIGINAL
The Allen-Bradley 1747-L551 is a SLC 500 slc 5/05 Processor.
VME PLC5/40 Controller W/Extra Local Port
1756-CP3 |Allen Bradley | Programmer Cable
Price inaccuracy.Please contact Sunny to get a great price. Email: sales2@amikon.cn
1762-IF2OF2 |Allen Bradley | Analog Module 4-Channel
Price inaccuracy.Please contact Sunny to get a great price. Email: sales2@amikon.cn
1762-IF4 |Allen Bradley | Analog Input Module
Price inaccuracy.Please contact Sunny to get a great price. Email: sales2@amikon.cn
1762-IQ16 |Allen Bradley | Analog Input Module
Price inaccuracy.Please contact Sunny to get a great price. Email: sales2@amikon.cn
1762-IQ32T |Allen Bradley | Expansion Input Module
Price inaccuracy.Please contact Sunny to get a great price. Email: sales2@amikon.cn
1762-IQ8 |Allen Bradley | Expansion Input Module
Price inaccuracy.Please contact Sunny to get a great price. Email: sales2@amikon.cn
1762-IQ8OW6 |Allen Bradley | Expansion Input Module
Price inaccuracy.Please contact Sunny to get a great price. Email: sales2@amikon.cn
1762-IT4 |Allen Bradley | 4 Input Channels Module
Price inaccuracy.Please contact Sunny to get a great price. Email: sales2@amikon.cn
1762-OB16 |Allen Bradley | Expansion Output Module
Price inaccuracy.Please contact Sunny to get a great price. Email: sales2@amikon.cn
1762-OB32T |Allen Bradley | Expansion Output Module
Price inaccuracy.Please contact Sunny to get a great price. Email: sales2@amikon.cn
1762-OB8 |Allen Bradley | Expansion Output Module
Price inaccuracy.Please contact Sunny to get a great price. Email: sales2@amikon.cn
1756-DHRIO | Allen Bradley | ControlLogix Communication Module
1756-DHRIO ControlLogix DH Plus/RIO Comms Module
1756-L64 | AB Allen Bradley PLC In Stock
1756-L64 ControlLogix 16 MB Memory Controller
1756-OA16 | Allen Bradley | ControlLogix 120/240V AC output module
1756-OA16 ControlLogix 16 Point D/O Module
1771-NR | Allen Bradley | Analog Input Module
1771-NR 1771 Analog Module
1756-L62S - In Stock | Allen Bradley PLC ControlLogix
1756-L62S GuardLogix 4 MB Standard Mem Controller
Interface Bridge Module | ControlNet