Anechoic Test Laboratory for HVAC Products

The anechoic room includes the anechoic room (with or without theair conditioning) and the semi anechoic room (with or without the airconditioning). it is an important test lab for the sound test of the airconditinoner, the electrical products, and the electronic products.

The test lab can be used to provide the sonic field, the semi sonic field and the diffusion field. it uses the sonic pressure method to pvovide the testing sound and therefore to determine the DB grade of

the test objects.

The test objects could be the air conditioner, the fridge, the washing

machine, the vehicle, the electrical parts, and the electronics parts etc.

Test standards

  • ISO 3745 acoustics -- determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure --precision methods for anechoic rooms and hemi-anechoic rooms
  • ISO 3741 acoustics -- determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure --precision methods for reverberation test rooms

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