ASTM Flexure Tester GT-M44A
Product Introduction
This ASTM Flexure Tester is used to test the metallic wires and other metallic components of a toy or part of a toy after repeated flexing, whether the toy will break and produce hazardous sharp points, or protrude through any surface covering of the toy.
16 CFR 1500
Test Method
1. The metallic wires and other metallic components shall be bent through a 60degree arc by a force applied perpendicularly to the major axis of the component at a point 2 ± 0.05 in. (50 mm) from the intersection of the component with the main body of the toy or applied at the end of the component if the component is less than 2 in. (50 mm) long.
2. The force shall be determined according to the age category .
3. The component shall then be bent in the reverse direction through a 120° arc.
4. This process shall be repeated for 30 cycles at a rate of 1 cycle/2 s, with a 60s rest period occurring after each 10 cycles. Two 120° arc bends shall constitute one cycle.
Key Specifications
Application Industry
All kinds of metallic wire can be tested on the Flexure Tester.