B-SAIMP-XROHS  Redundant Horizontal MTU for 50 V Applications

MOUSE-TRAK   B-SAIMP-XROHS  !!!  --- sales3@amikon.cn  

  Contact:  Jessica

                                              Email:     sales3@amikon.cn 

                                              Skype:     jessica01235483

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Realizing that transient energy can be high frequency in nature leads to some disturbing observations. At frequencies of this magnitude, it is difficult to make a low impedance electrical connection between two points due to the inductance of the path between them. Whether that path is several feet of cable or thousands of feet of earth between grounding systems, during a transient event there can be hundreds or thousands of volts potential between different "grounds". We can no longer assume that two points connected by a wire will be at the same voltage potential. 




To the system designer this means that although RS422/485 uses 5V differential signaling, a remote node may see the 5V signal superimposed on a transient of hundreds or thousands of volts with respect to that node's local ground

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Product Tags mouse trak b saimp xrohs          b saimp xrohs          b saimp          b 5mp9i xrohs          b 5mp9i xroh          mouse trak          abb b 5mp9i xrohs          mouse trak bsaimpxrohs          itac mouse trak         


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