HUAWEI BBU3910 is a baseband processing unit. It processes the baseband signals of the BTS.
The BBU3910 is a baseband control unit of DBS3900. Compared with the BBU3900, its backplane has agreater switching capability and the baseband boards installed in slots 0 to 5 all can process baseband signals.
A base station can be configured with a maximum of two BBU3910s or one BBU3900 and one BBU3910 to provide higher processing capabilities.
The BBU3910, which has a case structure, is 19 inches wide and 2 U high. It can be installedin an indoor or outdoor protective cabinet.
BBU3910 subrack dimensions (H x W x D): 86 mm x 442 mm x 310 mm. The four-layered subrack can house 8 service boards, 2 power modules, and 1 fan module.
The BBU3910 has the following functions:
Manages the entire base station system in terms of operation, maintenance, and systemclock.
Processes signaling messages.
Provides physical ports for information exchange between the base station and thetransport network.
Provides an OM channel between the base station and the LMT, SMT, or U2000.
Processes uplink and downlink baseband signals.
Provides CPRI ports for communication with RF modules.
Provides ports for communication with environment monitoring devices.
The BBU3910 can be configured with the following boards and units:
Main control and transmission board: universal main processing & transmission unit b(UMPTb), UMPTe, GSM transmission & timing & management unit b (GTMUb), andGTMUc
Baseband processing board: universal baseband processing unit d (UBBPd) , and UBBPe
Universal baseband radio interface unit b (UBRIb)
Universal transmission processing unit a (UTRPa) and UTRPc
Universal satellite card and clock unit b (USCUb)
Universal power and environment interface unit d (UPEUd)
Universal environment interface unit (UEIU)
Fan unit: FANd and FANe