Bently Nevada 125840-01 High Voltage AC Power Input Module
Dimensions :
Storage Temperature :
-40°C to +85°C
Operating Temperature:
-30°C to +65°C
The 125840-01 is High Voltage AC Power Input Module.
The 3500 Power Supplies are half-height modules and must be installed in thespecially designed slots on the left side of the rack. The 3500 rack can containone or two power supplies (any combination of ac and/or dc) and either supplycan power a full rack. If installed, the second supply acts as a backup for theprimary supply. When two power supplies are installed in a rack, the supply inthe lower slot acts as the primary supply and the supply in the upper slot acts asthe backup supply. Removing or inserting either power supply module will notdisrupt operation of the rack as long as a second power supply is installed.
+86 18030132585
+86 18030132585