General Information:
Part number
Country of origin
Brand New In Stock
Year of Production
2020-2022 available
ABOUT 330103-00-05-05-02-00 :
The 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Transducer System consists of: The 3300 XL 8 mm system represents our most advanced performance in an eddy
current proximity transducer system. The standard 3300 XL 8 mm 5 metre system
is also 100% compliant with the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) 670 Standard
(4th Edition) for mechanical configuration, linear range, accuracy, and temperature
stability. All 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Transducer Systems achieve this level of
performance while allowing complete interchangeability of probe, extension cable,
and Proximitor® Sensor without the need for individual component matching or
bench calibration.
Each component of the 3300 XL 8 mm Transducer System is backward compatible
and interchangeable3 with other non-XL 3300 series 5 and 8 mm transducer system
components4. This includes the 3300 5 mm probe, which is used when an 8 mm
probe is too large for the available mounting space5,6. The system provides an output voltage directly proportional to the distance between
the probe tip and the observed conductive surface. It is capable of both static
(position) and dynamic (vibration) measurements, and is primarily used for vibration
and position measurement applications on fluid-film bearing machines, as well as
Keyphasor® and speed measurement applications2.
RFQ--please contact sales manager John Yang