Bently Nevada 330171-00-20-90-02-05
Dimensions : |
Voltage :
0 to +12 Vdc
Output Impedance:
10 Ω
The 330171-00-20-90-02-05 is 3300 5 mm Proximity Probes. The 3300 5 mm probe improves upon previous designs. A patented TipLoc* molding method provides a more robust bond between the probe tip and the probe body.
All 3300 XL Proximity Transducer Systems achieve this level of performance with complete interchangeability of probe, extension cable, and Proximitor sensor, eliminating the need for individual component matching or bench calibration.When combined with a 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor and XL extension cable, the system provides an output voltage that is directly proportional to the distance between the probe tip and the observed conductive surface.
+86 18030132585
+86 18030132585