The Bentley Nevada 3300 XL 11mm Proximity Transducer System is designed to replace the
7200-series 11 mm and 14 mm Transducer Systems. When upgrading from the 7200-series
system to the 3300 XL 11 mm system, every component must be replaced with 3300 XL 11
mm components.
In addition, the monitoring system must be updated. If using a 3500 Monitoring
System, an updated version of the configuration software that lists the 3300 XL 11 mm
Transducer System as a compatible option is required. Existing 3300 Monitoring Systems
may need a modification.
Speak to a sales manager for best pricing & lead time:
Sales manager : Tiffany Guan
Mobile / WhatsApp : + 86 18030235313
Skype : dddemi33