Part Number: 3500/25
Manufacturer: Bently Nevada
Series: 3500
Product Type: Keyphasor Module
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)
3500/25 is an Enhanced Keyphasor Module developed by Bently Nevada. It is a half-height, two-channel module used to deliver Keyphasor signals to the monitor modules in a 3500 rack. When the Keyphasor mark on the shaft aligns with the Keyphasor transducer, the module detects the alignment using magnetic pickups or proximity probes and converts the input signals into digital Keyphasor signals.
3500/25 Functional Description
-For regular setup, the 3500 Machinery Protection System can accept up to four Keyphasor signals, and for paired configuration, it can accept up to eight.
-A spinning shaft or gear's once-per-turn or multiple-event-per-turn pulse known as a keyphasor signal can be used to detect timing precisely.
-As a result, shaft rotative speed and vector characteristics like 1X vibration amplitude and Phase can be measured by 3500 monitor modules and external diagnostic tools.
Enhanced Keyphasor Module
-An enhanced 3500 system module is called the Enhanced Keyphasor Module. While maintaining full downward compatibility in terms of shape, fit, and function with existing Keyphasor modules for usage in legacy systems, it offers increased Keyphasor signal processing capabilities over the prior design. The revised 149369-01 module totally replaces the Keyphasor module, PWA 125792-01.
-The 3500 system should use two Keyphasor modules whenever a system Keyphasor input is required for Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) applications. In this setup, the modules operate in parallel to give the other modules in the rack a primary and secondary Keyphasor signal.
-If there are no more than four primary Keyphasor input signals, a system with more than four Keyphasor inputs may use a paired arrangement.