Bently Nevada 3500/94 145988-01 VGA Display Module
Dimensions :
Storage Temperature :
-40°C to +85°C
Operating Temperature:
-30°C to +65°C
The 3500/94 VGA Display uses a standard color VGA monitor with “Touch Screen” technology to display 3500 data. This product has two components, the 3500/94 VGA module and its I/O card, and secondly, the VGA display monitor. The display monitor, with standard cabling, can be mounted up to 8 m (25 ft) from the rack.
Selecting the 3500/94 Display Router Box provides an additional viewing feature. This feature allows users to view a maximum of four racks with one display. Each rack must be individually viewed, but the rack address and alarm status of each rack is always visible in the upper right corner of the screen. The Display Router Box must be located within 6 m (20 ft) of each 3500 rack.
+86 18030132585 +86 18030132585 ZXD18030132585