BK7 and Fused Silica Glass Amici Roof Prisms
Amici prisms, also called “roof prisms” or “right angle roof prisms,” revert and invert the image as well as bend the line of sight through a 90°angle. Ideal for use in spotting scopes, and any optical instrument where it is desirable to take an inverted image from an objective, turn it right side up, and bend it through a 90° angle in order to maintain the correct visual orientation.
Roof prisms are suitable for applications that demand both right-angle deflection and image erection (a combination left-to-right angle deflection and top-to-bottom inversion, equivalent to a 180 degree rotation about the optical axis).
These are normally uncoated for use in TIR mode.
Protected aluminum or internal silver coatings may be specified for roof surfaces when used in wide field applications beyond TIR limits.
Antireflection coated entrance and exit faces are also available.
BK7, Fused Silica, etc. Optical Glass
Dimension Tolerance:
+0.1, -0.1mm
Surface quality:
60-40 S/D
Surface flatness:
Lambda/2 @ 632.8nm
Angle Tolerance:
+/-3 arc min
Clear Aperture:
>85% of dimension
Upon requirement

Different Shape, Size, Material requiremenat are available.