Product Name:BLE Smart Modules I2C Communication ADC Resolution Mesh Network AI Intelligent Display
●The main chip uses Nordic nRF52832.
●In order to meet customer needs, we can provide modules and APP software according to customer needs.
●Support language recognition function.
●Module power consumption: 3.3V/current is less than 200UA.
●The power filter capacitors C1 and C2 should be arranged as close as possible to the 3.5V power pin.
●SWDIO and SWDCLK pins are software upgrade pins.
●Serial port user optional interface;
●Optional settings Baud rate 1200 to 921600, data bits: 8 bits: 1 bit, with/without parity bit, with/without flow control.
●Support I2C communication.
●Support Mesh network function.
●Support can connect without router.
●The ADC distinguishes 8/10/12.bit, and the input voltage range is 0 to 3.5V.
●The RESET pin is the module reset pin. It is reset at a low level. The internal pull-up resistor is included and can be suspended.
●The LED2 pin is a relay status indicator. When the IO port outputs a low level, the indicator lights.
●The LED1 pin is a BLE status indicator. When the IO port outputs a low level, the indicator lights.
●Reset is a button, the low level is effective, the button is short pressed, and the relay is switched.
●The coil of the RELAY control relay, the drive capability of the module's IO port is 5mA, please pay attention to the module's IO drive capability and The difference between the drive current required by the relay.
●Other unused pins can be suspended.
●The module defaults to in-line mode. To ensure the optimization of BLE performance, it is recommended that the module antenna part and other metal parts
The distance should be at least 15mm.
●Working environment temperature -40 to 85 degrees.
●Support BLE module temperature detection is automatically turned off when it is greater than 40 degrees.
●Support timer switch function.
●Support random switch function.
Support Mesh network function.
Support language recognition function.