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We are the supplier for industrial automation spare parts. We specialize in PLC module, DCS card pieces,ESD system card pieces, vibration monitoring system cardpieces, steam turbine control system module, gas generator spare parts, we have established the relationship with famous PLC DCS product

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ABB DSTX W110 57160001-AAP Digital Input Board

The ABB DSTX W110 57160001-AAP is a Digital Input Board manufactured by ABB.

ABB VDA330A02 HIEE300025R2 Voltage Drop Alarm Module

The VDA330A02 HIEE300025R2 is a Voltage Drop Alarm Module manufactured by ABB.

GE IS200EHPAG1ABB Exciter Gate Pulse Amplifier Board

The IS200EHPAG1ABB is a GE Exciter Gate Pulse Amplifier Board.

GE IS200CSLAH1APR1 Printed Circuit Board

The IS200CSLAH1APR1 board was originally manufactured by GE

ABB DSXS 001 W110 57170001-A Simulator

The ABB DSXS 001 57170001-A is a Simulator manufactured by ABB.

ABB XR8981V3 HEIE431105P1 Key Module

The XR8981V3 HEIE431105 is a key module manufactured by ABB.

GE IS200EHPAG1ACB Exciter Gate Pulse Amplifier Board

The IS200EHPAG1ACB is a GE Exciter Gate Pulse Amplifier Board.

GE IS200DRLYH1B Output Terminal Board

The IS200DRLYH1B is a PCB manufactured by GE

ABB LDSYN-101 3BHE005555R0101 Sync Board

The ABB LDSYN-101 3BHE005555R0101 Sync Board is an I/O synchronization board used in ABB's industrial automation systems.

ABB DT370A GJR2316500R0001 Printed Circuit Board

The ABB DT370A GJR2316500R0001 is a Printed Circuit Board manufactured by ABB.

ABB XT 377E-E Interface Module

The XT 377E-E is an interface module manufactured by ABB.

GE IS200EISBH1AAA Exciter ISBus Circuit Board

The IS200EISBH1AAA is a GE Exciter ISBus Circuit Board.

GE IS220PAICH1A Analog I/O Pack

The IS220PAICH1A module is available in three models: IS200STAIH1A, IS200STAIH2A, and IS20TBAIH1C models.

ABB MPM810 MCM Processor Module

The ABB MPM810 MCM (Machine Condition Monitoring) Processor Module is a component used in the ABB MCM800 system for machine condition monitoring.

ABB DT601A-E GJR2911100R0001 I/O Interface Circuit Board

The ABB DT601A-E GJR2911100R0001 is an I/O Interface Circuit Board manufactured by ABB.

ABB XV C768 AE101 3BHB007211R0101 Board

The XV C768 AE101 3BHB007211R0101 is manufactured by ABB.

GE IS200EMIOH1ACA Printed Circuit Board

The IS200EMIOH1ACA is a GE Printed Circuit Board, and it is usually used in the GE Mark VI turbine control system.


The IS220PAICH1B model is the Mark VI Series Analog Input/Output Kit,

Woodward 9907-162 505D Digital Governor Turbine Control

The 9907-162 module, also known as the 505 Digital Governor Turbine Control.

ABB EAE ANK31 Arcnet Interface Module

The ABB EAE ANK31 is an Arcnet Interface Module manufactured by ABB.

ABB XV C768 AE102 3BHB007211R0102 Board

The XV C768 AE102 3BHB007211R0102 is manufactured by ABB.

GE IS200EPCTG1AAA Exciter Terminal Board

The IS200EPCTG1AAA is a GE Exciter Terminal Board, and it is usually used in EX2100 Excitation System.

GE IS220PAICH2A Analog I/O Model

The IS220PAICH2A is approved as an analog I/O kit

Woodward 5464-331 Kernel Power Supply Module

The 5464-331 Kernel Power Supply Module is an electrical power supply component manufactured by Woodward.

ABB ED 1803B I/O Module

The ABB ED 1803B is an I/O Module manufactured by ABB.

ABB XV C770 AE 3BHB006414R0001 HVD Board Coated

The XV C770 AE 3BHB006414R0001 is a HVD board coated manufactured by ABB.

GE IS200EPDMG1ABA Exciter Power Distribution Module

The IS200EPDMG1ABA is a GE Exciter Power Diatribution Module, and it is usually used in EX2100 Excitation System.

GE IS220PAICH2B Analog I/O Model

The IS220PAICH2B is an analog I/O module manufactured by GE.

Woodward 5464-334 Isolated 4-20mA Analog Input 8 Channel Module

The Woodward 5464-334 Isolated 4-20mA Analog Input 8 Channel Module is a component designed for industrial control and monitoring applications. With eight dedicated input channels, this module provides reliable and isolated analog input signals to a control system or data acquisition system.

ABB ED1817 HESG330038R1 Socket Board

The ABB ED1817 HESG330038R1 is a Socket Board manufactured by ABB.

ABB XV C770 BE101 3BHE021083R0101 HVD Board Coated

The XV C770 BE101 3BHE021083R0101 is a HVD board coated manufactured by ABB.

GE IS200EPSMG1AEC Power Supply Module

The IS200EPSMG1AEC is a GE Power Supply Module, and it is usually used in the GE Mark VI system.

GE IS220PAOCH1A Analog Output Module

The IS220PAOCH1A is a General Electric analog output module

Woodward 5464-355 NetCon Module

The Woodward 5464-355 is a NetCon module.

Showing 7 to 31 of 31 (7 Pages)

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