Buy 2 In 1 Wooden Frame Sauna Thermo-hygrometer In Bulk
A sauna thermo-hygrometer is typically used to measure temperature and levels of humidity or steam . This instrument measures humidity levels, which run from a dry 5% upwards North of 20-30% when we blast some water on the rocks, which creates steam, which is a critical component to a sauna.

A sauna thermo-hygrometer is a necessary accessory in the Sauna as it is important to know the correct temperature. After heating your Sauna room for at least thirty minutes, an average temperature would be about 180°F. Hang your thermometer 6" below the ceiling directly above your Sauna heater.In a sauna, the level of humidity should be between 5-10%, rising briefly only after water is poured over the hot stones. In a sanarium, humidity is between 40 and 55 %, whilst in a steam bath, it is generally 100%.
Fenlin’s sauna thermo-hygrometer is also a wooden thermometer/hygrometer perfect for saunas. It will hang on the wall easily and has two circles embedded that show the different levels. Both circles are clearly labeled. This one uses small pins or hands as you would see on an analog clock.

If you want to add some decorative touch to your sauna, Fenlin 2 in 1 sauna thermo-hygrometer can do it for you. It has a nice round thick piece of wood covered with a round thermometer and hygrometer. The top half measures one thing, and the bottom half measures another. It is both beautiful and functional. These are a few options to help upgrade your sauna, allowing you to focus on both levels. Paying close attention to these will help you keep the area at a good temperature and help you stay safe in a hot room.
How should the sauna thermo-hygrometer be hung?
The best place to hang a sauna thermo-hygrometer is away from the heater, but close enough to have a reasonable chance of getting an accurate temperature reading. The caveat is to place it away from any windows, doors or anywhere the temperature could fluctuate wildly. The goal is for the sauna thermo-hygrometer to maintain an even heat throughout the sauna. While the air in the sauna is consistent, the location does matter. Because cold air will fall to the ground and warm air will rise, so when you're trying to put a sauna thermo-hygrometer in the middle of the room - not too high or too low.