Ceramic Polishing Pads Transitional Grinding Tools for Fast Polishing Concrete Floor

- Ceramic
grinding pads are ideal for transitional polishing after the metal grinding steps
before resin polishing steps
- 7mm
or 10mm diamond thickness are available
- Ceramic
bond floor polishing pads are for aggressive grinding concrete floor
- Specially
designed pie shape segments for smoother but active grinding on the surface
- Diameter
3 inch suitable for mostly floor grinders in the market
- Grits
#30, 50, 100, 200, 400 are available for ceramic transtional diamond grinding pads
- Wet/Dry
use recommended
Heavyweight floor
grinding machines with Velcro attachment, Walk-behind grinder, Redi lock
grinder, Floor grinding machine, Quick release grinder, Fast change grinder,
HTC grinder, Husqvarna Grinder, Scanmaskin Grinder, Terrco Floor Grinder