Special Offers
SM-NM-ADPTR Network Module Adapter for SM Slot on Cisco 2900. 3900 ISR
Network Module Adapter for SM Slot on Cisco 2900, 3900 ISR.
SM-SRE-710-K9 SRE 710 (4GB MEM.500GB 7K HDD.1C CPU) for router bundle
The Cisco Services-Ready Engine (SRE) modules are router blades for the Cisco Integrated Services Routers Generation 2 (ISR G2) that provide the capability to host Cisco, third-party, and custom applications. SM-SRE-710-K9 is supported by Cisco 2911, 2921, 2951, 3925, 3925E, 3945, and 3945E Integrated Services Routers.
SM-X-4X1G-1X10G= SM-X module with 4-port dual-mode GE/SFP or 1-port 10G SFP+
Cisco Gigabit Ethernet WAN Modules bring high-density Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) and copper (RJ-45) 1 Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) connectivity to the Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers (ISRs). Providing maximum flexibility, the modules accelerate applications such as Ethernet WAN access, inter-VLAN routing, and high-speed connectivity to LAN switches and servers.The ports on these modules work as routed Layer 3 ports. Layer 2 switching between local ports on the module or between ports on the module and other ports within the router system is not supported. The port terminates Layer 2 trunks from externally connected switches, and Layer 2 trunk and VLAN information is not switched onto other ports in the system. The host router routes all traffic entering these modules.
SM-X-6X1G SM-X module with 6-port dual-mode GE / SFP
Cisco SM-X-6X1G Gigabit Ethernet Service Module brings high density Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) and copper (RJ-45) Gigabit Ethernet (GE) connectivity to the Cisco 4400 series Integrated Services Routers (ISRs). It accelerates applications such as Ethernet WAN access, inter-VLAN routing, and high-speed connectivity to LAN switches and servers and provides maximum flexibility.The ports on the Cisco SM-X-6X1G Service Module work as routed Layer 3 ports. Layer 2 switching between local ports on the module or between ports on the module and other ports within the router system is not possible. The port terminates Layer 2 trunks from externally connected switches, and Layer 2 trunk and VLAN information is not switched onto other ports in the system. The host router routes all traffic entering the Cisco SM-X-6X1G.
SM-X-ES3-24-P SM-X EtherSwitch. L2/L3. SM. 24 GE. POE+
The Cisco SM-X Layer2/3 EtherSwitch Service Module helps ensure maximum availability, high performance, ease of upgrade, and expandability. The modules have their own processors, switching engines, and flash memory that run independently of host router resources, helping ensure maximum concurrent switching and routing performance as well as providing integrated PoE+, security, and increased ease of management.As users attempt network access through the Cisco Enhanced EtherSwitch Service Module, the module can use IEEE 802.1x and a large number of Cisco 802.1x extensions to validate the credentials of the end device and place the user in the appropriate VLAN or Cisco TrustSec group. As the end-user data traverses between the switch module and other network entities or between buildings, this traffic can be encrypted at Layer 2 using MACsec.
SM-X-NIM-ADPTR SM-X Adapter for one NIM module for Cisco 4000 Series ISR
The SM-X-NIM-ADPTR acts as a carrier card for the Cisco 4000 Series ISRs to carry one single-wide or double-wide network interface module (NIM) to be used in the ISRs SM slot. The SM-X-NIM-ADPTR converts the SM slot on the ISR to a NIM slot and facilitates the use of NIMs such as the T1/E1 (Voice/Data), FXO/FXS, Switching, Serial, Storage Drives, Mobility (3G/4G), or G.HDSL.
XFP-10GLR-OC192SR Multirate XFP module for 10GBASE-LR and OC192 SR-1
XFP-10GLR-OC192SR - Cisco Multirate 10GBASE-LR/-LW and OC-192/STM-64 SR-1 XFP Module for SMF, low power (1.5W).
PVDM4-256 256-channel DSP module
High-density voice connectivity. Conferencing, transcoding, and transrating.
SPA-1X10GE-L-V2= Cisco 10-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter
Cisco 10-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapters, Version 2, are available on high-end Cisco routing platforms, offering the benefits of network scalability with lower initial costs and ease of upgrades. The Cisco SPA/SIP portfolio continues the company's focus on investment protection along with consistent feature support, broad interface availability, and the latest technology.Gigabit Ethernet interfaces are commonly used to interconnect routers or other devices within a central office or data center or in a metropolitan-area network (MAN). Cisco offers an extensive variety of 1000BASE-X GE SPAs to meet customer needs for various applications. With Cisco GE SPAs, users can mix and match SPA ports with other types of interfaces in the same slot. Each SPA provides standards-based Gigabit Ethernet implementation for compatibility and interoperability.
SPA-1XOC3-ATM-V2 1 port OC-3c/STM-1 ATM Shared Port Adapter
1 port OC-3c/STM-1 ATM Shared Port Adapter
C9200L-24P-4G-A Catalyst 9200L 24-port PoE+, 4 x 1G, Network Advantage
Cisco® Catalyst® 9200 Series switches extend the power of intent-based networking and Catalyst 9000 hardware and software innovation to a broader set of deployments.
C9200L-24P-4G-E Catalyst 9200L 24-port PoE+, 4 x 1G, Network Essentials
Catalyst 9200L 24-port PoE+ 4x1G uplink Switch, Network Essentials, Need to order DNA License.
STACK-T4-50CM 50CM Type 4 Stacking Cable
50CM Type 3 Stacking Cable.
SPA-2GE-7304 2pt Half-Height GigEthernet Shared Port Adapter
2pt Half-Height GigEthernet Shared Port Adapter
C9500-24X-E Catalyst 9500 16-port 10G, 8-port 10G switch
The Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Switches are the next generation of enterprise-class core and aggregation layer switches, supporting full programmability and serviceability.
SPA-2X1GE 2pt Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapte
Cisco 2-port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter
SPA-5X1GE-V2 Cisco 5-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter
The Cisco SPA-5X1GE-V2 is available on high-end Cisco routing platforms, offering the benefits of network scalability with lower initial costs and ease of upgrades. The Cisco SPA portfolio continues the company's focus on investment protection along with consistent feature support, broad interface availability, and the latest technology. The Cisco SPA portfolio allows deployment of different interfaces (Packet over SONET/SDH [PoS], ATM, Ethernet, etc.) on the same interface processor.
SPA-8X1FE-TX-V2 Cisco 8-Port Fast Ethernet (TX) Shared Port Adapter
The Cisco 8-Port Fast Ethernet shared port adapter (SPA) is available on high-end Cisco routing platforms, offering the benefits of network scalability with lower initial costs and ease of upgrades. The Cisco SPA/SIP portfolio continues the company's focus on investment protection along with consistent feature support, broad interface availability, and the latest technology. The Cisco SPA/SIP portfolio allows deployment of different interfaces (packet over SONET/SDH [POS], ATM, Ethernet, etc.) on the same interface processor. Fast Ethernet interfaces are commonly used to interconnect routers or other devices within a central office or data center or in a metropolitan-area network (MAN). With Cisco FE SPAs, users can mix and match SPA ports with other types of interfaces in the same slot. Each SPA provides standards-based Fast Ethernet implementation for compatibility and interoperability.
SPA-8X1GE-V2 Cisco 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter
IEEE 802.3z, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.3x, IEEE 802.1ad
C9500-40X-A Catalyst 9500 40-port 10Gig switch, Network Advantage
The Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Switches are the next generation of enterprise-class core and aggregation layer switches, supporting full programmability and serviceability.