Buy best Clenbuterol from ANDSONBIOLOGICALTECH. CO.,LTD
Clenbuterol- an oral powerful fat burner drug. Its action is based on enhance of the secretion of thyroid hormones - the natural fat burners of the body. The drug burns fat and dries muscles, increases strength and endurance, decreases appetite, affects mental activation and has anti-catabolic action.
The unique feature of Clenbuterol is that it has a pronounced anti-catabolic effect, it protects the muscles from destruction, which is very important during weight loss and cutting in bodybuilding.It is recommended to use it for 2 weeks, to make brake for 2 weeks and then to resume it again. That brake it is necessary because it causes addiction and stops working.
Clenbuterol may cause such side effects as palpitation, increased blood pressure, osteoporosis, diarrhea, excitement, insomnia, muscle trembling, dry mouth, sweating, feeling of heat etc.