Diamond Stone Cutting Blades
ChinShine manufacture stone cutting blades designed for use with Angle Grinders, Brick Saws, Circular Saws, Concrete Saws, Portable Saws, Radial Arm Saws and Tile Saws.
Stone cutting blades in the ChinShine range of saw blade technology products include Continuous Rim, Ultra Thin, Turbo, Turbo with protect teetch, Super Thin Turbo, Net Shapes as well as segmented General Purpose using.
Stone is the longest lasting building material available, and is usually readily available. There are many types of Stone available with differing attributes that make them better or worse for particular uses.
Cutting blades are part of a tool or machine for cutting, shredding, slicing or scraping workpiece surfaces or materials. Each cutting blade is made of a harder material than the workpiece being cut. We offer a variety of high quality cutting blades to improve your cutting accuracy and speed.